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Psalm 16 : To find out the name of a thief and to turn sadness into joy

Updated : Thu 24 Nov 2022 AM (UTC +1)

Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

Commentaires : 1 | You must register or login to post a comment.



This psalm is important and can be profitably used for different endeavors.
Example: If someone has been robbed, they can do the following: take mud or silt and sand from a stream, mix them together, then write the names of the suspected people on small pieces of paper, after that apply the mud mixture on the reverse side of the papers, then place the papers in a large, clean basin filled with fresh water from a stream or well. We must put the papers in the water of the basin one after the other and recite over them the psalm with the prayer which belongs to him ten (10) times, while at the same time keeping in mind the Holy Name CAAR , which means alive. This name is found in the letters of the sixth verse as follows: CHABALIM and ALEI. If the thief's name is actually written on one of the pieces of paper put in the water in the basin, then the paper with the thief's name will rise to the surface of the water.
The prayer is as follows:



May it be in your holy will, EEL CAAR, living God to make known the name of the thief who stole from me (here you have to say the name of what was stolen from him). God, allow the thief's name, if it is among the names in the basin, to rise up before my eyes and thus be known to me and to all who are present here, that your name may be glorified. Allow it because of your Holy Name. Amen SELAH!
2- Whoever recites this psalm daily with a child's faith for the love and eternal goodness of God, addressed to circumstances, will have all his sorrows changed into joy.
Ultimately, it is said that the daily recitation of this Psalm turns enemies into friends and will disperse all pain and sorrow.

Psalm 16
Hymn of David. Keep me, O God! for I seek my refuge in you.
I say to the Lord: You are my Lord, You are my great good!
The saints who are in the land, The pious men are the object of all my affection.
We multiply idols, we run after foreign gods: I do not spill their libations of blood, I do not put their names on my lips.
The Lord is my portion and my cup; It is you who assure me of my lot;
A delicious inheritance has fallen to me, A beautiful possession is granted to me.
I bless the Lord my counselor; The very night my heart exhorts me.
I have the Lord constantly before my eyes; When he is to my right, I do not waver.
Also my heart is glad, my spirit glad, and my body is secure.
For you will not deliver my soul into hell, You will not allow your beloved to see corruption.
You will make known to me the path of life; There are abundant joys before your face, eternal delights at your right hand.



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Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español |

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Psalm 15 :Against unhealthy or melancholy moods
Psalm 17 :To protect oneself against all harm and all danger









1 Commentaires pour : Psalm 16 : To find out the name of a thief and to turn sadness into joy


Honorine | Thu 24 Nov 2022 AM a écrit :

Bjr mes tata. Moi je suis mal imputé au service pour avoir être Complice du vol d'argent dans le coffre fort et pourtant devant Dieu je n'en sais rien du tout. Je risque d'être chasser au service en même temps entrée en prison pour rien. Quel prière puissant puis-je prendre pour l'instant même. C'est urgent pour moi vraiment. Je vous aimes bien merci. Honorine 

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