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Prayer for God's blessings in the New Year

Updated : Wed 27 Dec 2023 PM (UTC +1)

Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español | Dieses Gebet auf Deutsch | Esta oração em português

to God Blessing
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Prayers are powerful words that teach and open anyone to receive bountiful blessings and transformation. The Bible says in Jeremiah 29:11: "For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord, "plans for peace and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. The Lord is continually bearing you in His heart, for He has plans for you. However, it is essential that we are persistent and patient in our prayers. For God will pour out His blessings into our lives at the time He sees fit for us, according to the Divine Plan. If you are looking for God's blessings throughout new year, turn to this prayer:



Lord, you know the plans you have for me and I know that they are plans to prosper and not harm me.
Heavenly Father, I give you all thanks and praise for having brought me through the year so far.
For the rest of the year, continue to pour out your blessings upon me in even greater measure.




Bless my home, my work, my business, my family, dear Lord. I lean on Your promises.
You will make me the head and not the tail. I will be above and not beneath.

Even as others face recession and financial crises, Lord, I remain confident that You are my Provider. You will never let your child go without.




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Cette prière en Français | Esta oración en Español | Dieses Gebet auf Deutsch | Esta oração em português

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to God

To God, the being above all, nothing is impossible. Everything is possible with him. Whatever difficulties you find yourself in, trust in him, have faith. Pray to him and he will answer you.

Prayers addressed directly to God do not go through any intermediary. He receives them as they are. Some people prefer this type of prayer where they speak, in their hearts, directly to God.




God is present everywhere. Within us and without us. Even when we think we are alone, he is there. He sees us, he listens to us. He knows us better than we know ourselves.

Like a good father with his children, he is compassionate, merciful and always ready to forgive us our failings and sins.

Let us entrust ourselves to him, ask him for the grace to be a reflection of his love for mankind. Let us entrust ourselves to him and be attentive to the different signs and messages that he sends us every day, within us or outside us through our fellow human beings.


See all the prayers of the theme: to God




A blessing is a grace, a favour granted by God. Through priests and all other people (religious, traditionalists or simple faithful) who may be at a certain moment in a state of benevolence to bless, it is always God Almighty who acts.

When a person is blessed, whatever good he or she does is bound to succeed, whatever the difficulties.


In everyday life, believers of all religions and beliefs often use blessed objects (bibles, candles, rosaries, crosses, etc.). gathers through the keyword blessing, prayers to ask for blessing, to bless places, objects of piety and everything that may require a blessing.


See all the prayers of the theme: Blessing







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